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                              Active2 (codenamed "CNNSlayer") - a free, open-source codebase project for the Indymedia network and its allies that would provide 'next-generation' trusted multi-language open publishing including enhanced security & privacy, customization, syndication, threaded discussions and distributed (p2p) media storage, searching and streaming...

                              Funds are being raised to cover travel expenses for a developer's conference. The project is listed in the Media, Net and Emerging Communications funds on RTMark. If you really want to see this project happen, sooner rather than later, then donate now!


                              The Active2 project is an outgrowth of the Pacific Northwest Independent Media Convergence that was held in Vancouver in January 2002, during which a number of developers and users got together to critique the current codebases and envision a set of features and interface changes that would address recurring user concerns. An online feature wishlist was created to which various IMCs contributed and someone compiled some listnoize for the period leading up to March which details the controversy of NEWSML v. Dublin-core, etc...


                              Active2 is being developed using XML, mod_python, Cheetah and Webware. Prospective coders should check out the distributed computing foundry on sourceforge.net.

                              There are a few articles on the Indy tech site relating to aspects of the project including encryption algorithms, cryptographically distributed databases, and site customization (skins). Other interesting technologies that swirl around and inform the Active2 project include Streamer, Peercast, Circle, OverNet, Bittorrent, Chord, Everything2, Edge Community Engine, SPIP, Zeno 2, Entropy, Peek-A-Booty, Freenet and Reptile.

                              Development Notes

                              There is a LexiCon.

                              Mailing List

                              The Active2 developers have a dedicated mailing list with public archive on Ender.


                              The Active2 project has been having (semi-regular) weekly IRC meetings to aid in its development.

                              Meetings are held at 1600 UTC, each wednesday on #Active2 on irc.indymedia.org.


                              Examples (beta)


                              The official Active2 (tm) documentation project will start here. Sharpen those pencils!

                              The original Active2 wiki page is here.

                              Copyright © 2001 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration tool is the property of the contributing authors.
                              Ideas, requests, problems regarding Indymedia? Send feedback.

                              Revision r1.30 - 14 Oct 2002 - 22:08 GMT - MetaMatrix